boston.. milan tu bkn ke egyptian dh pakai las sezen..smpai gaduh agi tu.. xkan korg nk amik tu..agi pon ade stripe itam x nais jek dgn name tim korg..pndapat aku ar..
huhu.. aku xde keje.. tp nk bg gak pndapat.. yg last 2 options tu dh nice.. tp mmg plain sgt ar.. tp warne cantek dah.. klo ikut link al-ikhsan tu, aku prefer ADIDAS TEAM A... --->>
tp kalo stokin putih lagi nice kot.. pndapat aku ar..
mane2 jersi yg korg pilih, aku xkisah..aku jz nk sgest spy kte bli 2jersi(different kaler), 1short n 1 pair of socks..nnt klu time kene lawan team yg gune kaler merah,bley je gune 2nd jrsi..alang dh final yr final sem ni, invest la lebey skit..amacam?
Sah, jersi hang kami dah pertimbangkan.. tp bnyak sgt investment nye... around 100+ for the jersy only.. agak berat pertimbangan tu.. ke hang bley sponsor.. cun so away kit nk kaler ape... hitam ke puteh.. ke ape... aniwan?
hehe..kalu 1st jc dh primary color nye merah, so utk 2ndary jc tu ley la gune kaler light blue ke, grey ke, black ke, brown ke..psl investment tu, aku sgest cube usha brand mcm line7, joma, umbro, puma or lotto..aku rase price (utk 1 set) dr brand2 ni agk cheaper kut compared ngn nike or adidas...
*try considering criteria ni la: --branded but cheaper --different designs utk dua2 jc
aduh...invest lah skit last sezen nih...kate team final year nk mng league...invest ar...baju lawa sure main cantek..baru style...x care r klo jersi lawa main x cantek...skang main dh cantek...kasi cantek gak ar jersi...invest lebeh xpe kot...kate baru balik intern (las las sem)...duit claim fyp pon ade kot...kaman kaman...
no 1 tu cam nice gak..
ak vote yang tu..
2,3,4,5 tu cm common gile..
so left with no 1..
cm nais rase merah die tu kurang garang ar..
No 1 n 4 ja leh blah...cari design lain lagi...good job
no 4 tu mcm baju yg pejan slalu aku vote no 1
hoho..baju player dah nak setel..baju fan club bile? loq! balik wat kerja nuh..
ako vote milan... sebenar nye ade yg xde kolar... ok gak... tp loq aniaya choice ako... cilake loq... booo -boston
milan tu bkn ke egyptian dh pakai las sezen..smpai gaduh agi tu..
xkan korg nk amik tu..agi pon ade stripe itam x nais jek dgn name tim korg..pndapat aku ar..
ooo baju no 1 tuh cam baju trening onitsuka tiger cume dorang kaler itam... klo sape2 prasan aaa. psl adek ako slalu pakai kat umah
aku pilih no 1...choices len xdak ke wei?
kalau nk design laen forwardkan ke mr boston... dier maher dlm bidang ni.. org tue2 kate kit manager..
Link JC Team Order:
--> ada banYak choiCe..
BTW: JC yg 1 - 5 tu suMe mCm x niCe.. huhu..
Sume mcM p|ain sGt..
n Sgt CommOn..
(1 - 7). huhu.. sorry..
Dari Link a|-ikhsan tu,
Cuba uSha Line 7 : L7-3209
Tak Pun yG |ong S|eeve: KIKA Team B
aku xde keje..
tp nk bg gak pndapat..
yg last 2 options tu dh nice..
tp mmg plain sgt ar..
tp warne cantek dah..
klo ikut link al-ikhsan tu, aku prefer ADIDAS TEAM A...
tp kalo stokin putih lagi nice kot..
pndapat aku ar..
k.. cool.. tq2..
** Boston.. need ur attention!!
jersey korea aku cmna??...pertimbangkang plzz...yg penting fit sket..baru kentang..
mane2 jersi yg korg pilih, aku xkisah..aku jz nk sgest spy kte bli 2jersi(different kaler), 1short n 1 pair of socks..nnt klu time kene lawan team yg gune kaler merah,bley je gune 2nd jrsi..alang dh final yr final sem ni, invest la lebey skit..amacam?
aKu stuju bli 2 colour.. tapi jersi tu biar x common, x plain n ade size .. (jersi sbl ni xde size)
Sah, jersi hang kami dah pertimbangkan.. tp bnyak sgt investment nye... around 100+ for the jersy only.. agak berat pertimbangan tu.. ke hang bley sponsor.. cun
so away kit nk kaler ape... hitam ke puteh.. ke ape... aniwan?
hehe..kalu 1st jc dh primary color nye merah, so utk 2ndary jc tu ley la gune kaler light blue ke, grey ke, black ke, brown ke..psl investment tu, aku sgest cube usha brand mcm line7, joma, umbro, puma or lotto..aku rase price (utk 1 set) dr brand2 ni agk cheaper kut compared ngn nike or adidas...
*try considering criteria ni la:
--branded but cheaper
--different designs utk dua2 jc
c'mon2, jgn |ambat wat decision.. skrg ni tgh sa|e.. n ka|o |ambat2 nnt stok byk xde..
aku |eh fwd kan ha|f frm tota| price (iA)..
aduh...invest lah skit last sezen nih...kate team final year nk mng league...invest ar...baju lawa sure main cantek..baru style...x care r klo jersi lawa main x cantek...skang main dh cantek...kasi cantek gak ar jersi...invest lebeh xpe kot...kate baru balik intern (las las sem)...duit claim fyp pon ade kot...kaman kaman...
come on Loq,Boston & Pejan..decide2..korg yg handle jersi2 ni..heheh..
asal aku je yang nak jersey #5?? hahahah gile tak boleh main bola aku!!!
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